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As a real soccer player, you naturally like to spend every free minute on the pitch. There, apart from the actual game, you can train your fitness, improve your agility and practice the interaction with your teammates. However, there is one thing that is usually neglected: stabilization exercises for soccer. With these exercises you improve your general body stability, mainly in the torso area. This helps you to keep your balance better and to adjust your balance more quickly, for example during evasive maneuvers. This will make you more nimble and effective on the court. Furthermore, stabilization exercises for soccer also help you prevent injuries. Sounds good? Then let's get started right away!

What exactly are stabilization exercises?

Stabilization exercises, also called stabilization drills or stabilization exercises, include all exercises that improve your body stability in some way. With them you train in particular your body center, that is your trunk, which is sometimes called core in the technical language. These core muscles, which are specifically targeted by stabilization exercises in soccer, are primarily composed of the abdominal, back, shoulder, gluteal and hip muscles. Together, these muscles straighten your spine, bend or rotate your upper body, and play a key role in helping you maintain your balance. The more diligently you do your stabilization exercises for soccer, the better you can maintain your balance and compensate for imbalances, for example during quick evasive maneuvers or duels.

When performing stabilization exercises for soccer, you may have to adjust a bit at the beginning. This is because no large, intensive movements are required here, but rather tiny, almost invisible movements. Stabilization exercises are mostly isometric strength exercises, i.e. exercises with minimal movement - holding exercises, so to speak - which, however, demand a very high degree of body tension and concentration from you. Thus, stabilization exercises in soccer training are not strength training in the true sense of the word and, strictly speaking, not fitness training either. They are something of their own, but can be wonderfully integrated into your daily workout routine.

Why are stabilization exercises important for soccer players?

Stabilization exercises for the core muscles are not only important for footballers, but actually for everyone. Both in everyday life and in sports, you depend on your balance, coordination and body tension. If they are poorly developed, you can injure yourself much more quickly, for example if you twist your ankle because you lose your balance. It is precisely in view of this that stabilization exercises for soccer are particularly interesting. They help players to survive duels without injury - and also to be more successful. Because stabilization exercises for soccer have the great "side effect" that, in addition to coordination and balance, they also increase performance. The strengthened trunk can distribute power and energy more effectively to the limbs. Therefore, these stabilizing strengthening exercises soccer as a sport are also very useful when it comes to a completely fit trained team.

More agility is the result - perfect for the soccer field! Here we have summarized the many benefits of stabilizing exercises for soccer:

  • Improving your body awareness
  • Strengthening your deep muscles
  • Improve your posture
  • Stabilization of joints and tendons
  • Injury prevention
  • Relieving the strain on your vertebrae
  • Prevention of back problems
  • Support your general fitness
  • Increase your performance
  • Improve fine motor skills and coordination
  • Increasing your ability to concentrate

Which stabilization exercises are especially suitable for soccer players?

Footballers who regularly perform stabilization exercises cushion their steps better. As a result, they protect their spine, tendons and joints. This is actually the most important point and the reason why stabilization exercises for soccer really pay off. Many people have realized this by now, which is why you will get quite a lot of results when searching for "stability exercises for soccer" or "stability exercises for soccer". However, you can save the search directly, because we now show you the best five strengthening exercises for soccer, which you can perfectly integrate into your soccer training.

1. stabilization exercise in soccer - strengthen buttocks, back & back of thighs

Get into forearm support in a kneeling position facing the ground. Your thighs are hip-width bent at a 90-degree angle to your hips. Place the tops of your feet on the floor. Now lift both knees off the floor so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Note: Your back remains straight. Try to hold this position for at least 15 seconds and do a total of four to six repetitions. As a variation, you can alternately lift one leg off the ground and bend it all the way up so that the sole of your foot is facing the ceiling.

2. stabilization exercise for soccer - abdomen, hips & shoulders

Lie on your back and angle your legs so that your lower legs are floating in the air parallel to the ground. Now press your hands firmly on your knees without moving them, and minimally roll your upper body upward. It is best to do this only so far that your shoulders are no longer in contact with the ground. Caution: Do not pull your shoulders towards your ears. Hold this position for at least 15 seconds and then slowly (!) roll back down without resting your head on the floor. Alternatively, while rolling your upper body up and down, bring your arms past your thighs at your sides.

3. stabilization exercise for soccer players - shoulders, abdomen, arms and legs

You probably already know this exercise, it is the classic plank (push-up). To do this, start in a prone position facing the ground, position your hands below your shoulders with your fingertips facing forward and push off the ground. Note: The upper body, buttocks and legs should form a straight line during the push-up. If this is too difficult for you at first, you may prefer to do a slight hunchback to protect your spine. Tighten your buttocks, pull your belly button towards the ceiling and push your knees through. You should hold this position for at least 15 seconds and do four to six repetitions.

4. stabilization exercise for soccer players: hips, shoulders, arms and legs

After the plank we come directly to the side plank, the lateral push-up. I'm sure you know this one too. Place your elbow below your shoulder in a sideways position. Your forearm is stretched out vertically in front of you, your legs are stretched out on top of each other. Now press up so that your legs, hips and upper body form a line. Note: Do not let your hips sag during the lateral push-up, but activate your lateral abdominal and back muscles to hold the line for at least 15 seconds. Then slowly lie back on the mat and switch sides. We recommend three to four repetitions per side.

5. stabilization exercises for soccer players - abdomen, back & back of thighs

The standing balance, our next exercise, looks easy, but has it all. Keeping your balance permanently and without wobbling requires concentration and body tension. You start in a standing position, tense your abdominal muscles, then tilt your upper body forward and simultaneously extend one leg backward. Attention: Balance yourself so that your upper body, hips and leg are parallel to the floor. A mirror for control can help well here. Hold this position for at least 15 seconds, then switch to the other leg and repeat each side three to four times. You may extend your arms either forward or to the side during the exercise. Which do you find easier?

Soccer stabilization exercises - extra: knee and ankle stabilization

Of course, the stabilization exercises for soccer should also focus on the knee and ankle.

This is where there is a great potential for injury in this sport, which can be counteracted by specific exercises. Exercises on a wobbly surface are particularly suitable. You can use a rolled-up towel, a balance pad or a balance board. It's best to start slowly and practice just standing on the wobbly board at first. If this works well, you can continue with light exercises, for example a squat on the balance board. You will quickly notice that you basically have to stabilize your ankle and knee for each exercise to prevent the wobble and thus be able to complete the exercise well. Test yourself out, have fun, and enjoy your "wiggle time" as a casual addition to your everyday workout, or perhaps as a loose ending.

How often should I do the stabilization exercises?

This is a good question. In addition to a clean execution of the stabilization exercises for soccer, regular execution is of course also important in order to achieve success. Our recommendation is therefore: Integrate the stabilization exercises for soccer into your workout two to three times a week and devote about 10 to 20 minutes to them. In combination with your fitness, strength and endurance training, they will certainly push your performance enormously and at the same time reduce your risk of injury. Note: Always warm up before doing the exercises to avoid injury. Then perform the exercises with concentration and, as already mentioned, allow yourself some time off at the end - for example on the balance board, our insider tip for an effective and at the same time fun workout.

Stabilization exercises on the balance board - it couldn't be more fun!

Finally, we have a great tip for you: If you want to add some variety to your workout and increase the fun factor in your workout, then you can transfer many exercises to the balance board. Planks are a classic example of this, because they also work very well on a wobbly surface. This way you can also increase your training intensity if your "normal" workout seems too easy. Our Beginner Guide will help you get started, or rather, get on your balance board. If you don't have any experience with wobble boards, we recommend a safe base. It protects your floor, improves your rolling feeling and also gives you security. We have developed a sisal board mat especially for this purpose, which is much more slip-resistant than conventional yoga or gym mats.

Enjoy the surf feeling together

If you are a member of our wahu community, you will meet like-minded people there. You can exchange your exercises, tricks and general experiences with the balance board. You're sure to find new inspiration for wobbly balance board fun. Record your progress and share your balance board success with us, for example with a short video or a great snapshot. Maybe you can also share your stabilization exercises for the soccer workout - no matter how:

We look forward to you and your creative input!


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