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Are you looking for an all-round workout that will help you improve your balance, fine motor skills and deep muscles? With which you can increase your current training intensity and achieve quick results? And that additionally helps you to reduce injuries in other sports in the future? You might think that's too much to ask.... but only if you are not yet familiar with Balance Boards and the unique Balance Board effect. They are the perfect training option for both competitive and recreational athletes - either as a supplement to a sport or as a sport in their own right. With their versatility and effectiveness, you are sure to have fun, try it out and see for yourself the balance board effect on your body!

Balance board effect - what are the advantages of a balance board?

You already know the biggest advantage of a balance board and the balance board effect: It combines several workouts in one. You can use it to improve your coordination and reaction as well as to strengthen your foot, leg and core muscles and to generally increase your balance and concentration. Phew, that's a lot of training potential that the balance board and thus the balance board effect offers you, right? Let's take a look at these many aspects one by one and in detail, so you can get a nice overview of balance board training and balance board effects.

Balance Board Effect No. 1: Activate deep muscles

In everyday life you mostly use muscles like the biceps, the thigh or the abdominal muscles. However, you usually only use these superficially, for example when carrying groceries or on short journeys by bike. To train these and other muscles in depth, you need something more - for example, the Balance Board and its effective Balance Board effect. Why? It's simple: the deep muscles cannot be consciously tensed, but they react reflexively to movements or sequences of movements that challenge your sense of balance. Lateral bending, rotating or swinging moves. Stability and body tension are required here. If you train these, you automatically train your deep muscles. And this Balance Board effect is not to be despised, because a stable posture is extremely important in everyday life as well as in most sports.

Balance Board effect no. 2: Improve posture

Which brings us directly to the second point: your posture. This is directly linked to your deep muscles. The better your deep muscles are developed, the more upright your posture will be. By this we mean the tension in your body that keeps your shoulders from slumping forward, your spine from sagging, and your pelvis from straightening. Feel inside yourself, especially during long periods of sitting, and correct your bad posture. Or better yet, get on the board and wiggle for twenty minutes. After that you will notice that you are much looser on one side and on the other side your muscles now support a correct posture better. A great balance board effect! By the way, this is another advantage of balance board training, especially in the home office. You can use your balance board anytime and anywhere because it's quick to set up, doesn't take up much space, and doesn't require forever-long workouts.

Balance board effect no. 3: train balance

Have a good sense of balance, it actually sounds so banal, but it is a basic requirement both in everyday life and in sports. On the bus, darting wobbly around the corner, riding a bike, dancing, skating or skiing... we could go on endlessly here. A strong sense of balance is just really important, for example to avoid injuries. But also, to make good progress in your sport, you should train your balance regularly, there are enough devices for that. On the board you have the advantage that the balance training takes place incidentally and yet efficiently. You simply hop on your wobble board when you have five or ten minutes of idle time. No matter what the weather or time of day, and without much preparation. These short training sessions allow you to achieve quick results and offer a variety of training options, for example for different body zones. In addition, such a wobble board is space-saving - both during training and during storage, for example on our practical wahu wall mount or the wahu floor mount.

Balance Board Effect No. 4: Training fine motor skills

While we're on the topic of balance, let's quickly touch on your fine motor skills - because the two are closely related. If you train your balance often, your coordination improves and your movements simply become more rounded and precise. Of course, this also benefits your fine motor skills, i.e. the smooth cooperation of different muscles and muscle groups (intermuscular coordination). With these minimal and precise movements, for example with fingers and toes, it is not strength that is the decisive factor, but feeling. They help you to find a good balance between big power moves and small emotional reactions. Our tip: Use a carpet or our special wahu mat made of sisal as a base for training with your wobble board. This way you protect your floor, increase your stability and improve your rolling feeling at the same time - for the perfect balance board effect.

Balance Board Effect No. 5: Increase training intensity

Another great thing about balance boards is that you can increase your current workout intensity with them. Exercises you might currently do casually off the stool that don't really challenge you anymore become challenging again with a wobble board. Take planks or push-ups as an example. They're incorporated into almost every workout, but do they really make you sweat anymore? If you're already at a good workout level, then surely you need a boost, right? So get on that balance board, enjoy the wiggle.... and let our training videos inspire you a little bit. We are sure that you will be thrilled with the balance board effect!

Balance Board Effect No. 6: Prevent Injuries

We have already mentioned it: With a well-trained sense of balance you can avoid accidents and injuries in sports and in everyday life. In principle, you can of course also injure yourself while training with the Balance Board. So it's better to hold on to the edge of the table once too often before you dare to make the next move. In the long run, however, you will avoid injuries through balance training on the wobble board. With better stability and balance, it's much easier to compensate for a wrong kick or an awkward weight shift. When playing tennis, jogging or skiing you will benefit from this balance board effect. If you are already struggling with an injury, the gentle training on balance boards can be a good way to build up muscles after resting. So this balance board effect is definitely not to be neglected.

Conclusion: The whole body is in action

Wow, that was a lot of Balance Board effects at once. In summary, it can be said: When training with the Balance Board, you address your entire body. Not only the main muscles have to tense up, but also the deeper lying muscle groups. Through permanent and minimal movements while balancing, your muscles work together, training your whole body. So you will feel the balance board effect well after the workout. Perfect, isn't it?

Balance training: equipment as a workout booster

Finally, and for an optimal start on your balance board, we've put together a few exercises for you. One thing is still important to us. Quite apart from the balance board effect you want to achieve with your training, fun is of course the most important thing when balance boarding. So feel free to be creative and give the exercises your own extra touch. Our tip: Many exercises are twice as much fun the other way around or with your eyes closed - try it out!

  • That way you get to know your board better: Our tutorial videos give you good instructions for many basic movements.
  • How to work your abs, legs and butt: You can also do the classic "Bridge" on the Balance Board. Lie on your back on the floor with your legs parallel on the board and lift and lower your butt alternately for at least one minute. Tighten your abdomen.
  • This will give you defined arms and a strong back: The simple "push-up" also works on the balance board, even in different variations.
  • Just for fun, there are countless jumps, flips and tricks: for example, the "Jump in Flip", where you casually hop onto your wobble board, or the "Low Leg Rise", where you extend one leg forward.

By the way, you can find many more exercises and inspirations in our wahu blog article "Find the right balance board exercises for you!" and in our wahu trick guide. We look forward to your virtual visit!


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